Liebster Award


First and foremost, I would like to thank Victoria for voting for my blog for the award!

Accordingly, the rules for the award are as follows:
– Put the Liebster Award logo on your blog
– Thank and tag the blog who nominated you
– Nominate 8 blogs with less than 200 followers and inform them of the nomination (link them in the post)
– No tag-back
– Answer the questions given by your nominator
– Provide a new set of questions for your nominees

The questions I was asked to answer:

1. Why do you write?
I write to learn, to inspire, to fight, and to excel. Writing is my form of watching the abstracts – the ideas and theories – manifest into something concrete. When I see the words appear before me on the screen, or on paper, they become real. They are no longer a fantasy, they become my version of reality.

2. How would you explain your basic life philosophy?
My basic life philosophy is LIFE itself – Learn to Inspire and Fight to Excel. To live each day as if it’s your last, to sleep without regret, wake without hesitation, and do what I love so that I love what I do. Life is not meant to be perfect, but everything works out for the best in the end, and if it’s not yet good then it’s not yet the end.

3. If you could have personally witnessed anything, what would you want to have seen?
I would like to have witnessed Einstein in the process of inventing some of his greatest works, and also a Time Lapse of globalisation on an abstract level.

4. What is the best compliment that you hope someone will give you?
The utmost form of compliment in my books is if someone tells me I inspire or motivate them

5. What is your best or favourite memory?
It’s hard to say – probably being born, if I remembered it. Or learning to walk – that one I actually do remember. (And no, I didn’t learn to walk at six).

6. Who do you admire most?
Albert Einstein – his philosophies, his inventions, his motivation and determination. The fact that he is one of the greatest scientists but also the most creative genius ever known to man trumps any modern mythical paradox that you can either be creative or scientific, but never both.

7. What cheers you up?
Seeing progress in any form – whether it be self, friends, family, clients (students), society or even humanity.

8. What is the most daring or spontaneous thing that you have ever done?
Cliff jumping off a 30 foot cliff in the Philippines. I pretty much just ran up the cliff and jumped because I knew that if I’d stopped to look, I’d probably get unnecessarily scared.

9. What are you most afraid of?
Fear itself, and not fear as in insecurities, but fear as in phobias or general setbacks hindering clarity.

10. If you could have one wish, what would you wish?
For balance in the world – peace, equality, and essentially, balance.

My nominations:

Aquileana of La Audacia de Aquiles from Greek mythology to linguistic structualism, Aquileana has excellent in-depth articles that are easy to read and follow.

Dr. Harker of Paranorensics – excellent medical-based mystery stories

Daniel of The Incompetent Writer – good writing tips with travel adventures

N.P. Sala of A Clear Lens – interesting reads on religion, epistemology and apologetics.

Justin Antioho of Rugged Writings – good poetry and some philosophical commentary

Ben Hewitt of Ben Hewitt – introspective content with simple and easy-to-read syntax

Lincoln Davidson of The Davidson International – political and sociological commentary on various issues

Gronda Morin of Gronda Morin – political reads with illustrations

Ten questions for the nominees:
1. Who are you?
2. How do you think? (in pictures, words, sounds, movies etc)
3. What is your favourite strength in yourself and why?
4. What do you count as a weakness (any context)?
5. What was your purpose of creating a blog?
6. Are you satisfied with your blog? Why or why not?
7. What inspires you to do what you do?
8. What motivates you when you feel low?
9. What are your aspirations?
10. If you could have dinner with 4 people – living or dead – who would they be and why?

Once again, many thanks to Victoria for her nomination. Good luck to all of you, too! Keep sharing your thoughts!

Mikaela of Mikavelli

5 thoughts on “Liebster Award

  1. You’re welcome Mikaela! 😀 Thanks for answering the questions, and sharing more about yourself. I particularly love about your LIFE philosophy. And omg, number 8 is awesome (I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t dare to do that). hahah. Anyways, you are now officially a Liebster Award Winner! Hope you will continue to write, and share your thoughts on science and society. 🙂

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